The Big Shout

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Burger Focus (not a regular feature)

Wimpy - a 70's brand thats never managed to effectively update itself and yet retains a presence on many local high streets and retains an affection among those of us who remember when there was nothing else. Yes, no McDonalds, Burger King, KFC etc just the not quite fast food not quite proper restaurant experience that was quite a thrill for a 70's school child.

We were  dismayed to hear that despite Wimpy managing to hang on gamely in the face of logic that they are to ditch some of their most famous puddings - Knickerbocker Glory and Banana in a boat - very upsetting.

More suspicious is their continued faith in the 'Bender in a Bun',  the most suspicious sausage sandwich in the Fast Food oeuvre.

Can you imagine advertising a wheat filled bun today?

McDonalds - have announced that they are turning to experiential in order to promote their new range of wraps - their USP being that they are wrapped so you can eat them on the move. We applaud their move to a healthier menu but fear that the fall out will include an increase in the pavement drop of crispy chicken, spicy vegetable and we suggest perhaps a tie up with 'Rennies' might work alongside the 'on the street' and TV work?

.....Now this is what we call a wrap!

Burger King -Are going to be selling SPAM! They should have a chat with Wimpy on this one we think. A miniature burger called the BK Shot is to be launched in Japan - of course it is. Regardless of this Burger King are the best at filming content - in the US anyway...

Here's our favourite ever


Posted via email from oliversrussell's posterous

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